The Big Chill Homework
The assignment: Write an essay of about 500 words summarizing the science presented in the video. Emphasize the following:
· Geographic setting
1. Ocean Currents (which ones?)
· Key players/specialties:
1. Bill Turrell
2. Richard Alley
3. Wally Broecker
4. Lloyd Keigwin
5. Richard Wood
6. Bill Krabill
7. Terry Joyce
8. Bruce Peterson
· Key concepts:
1. North Atlantic Conveyor
2. Deep Ocean Currents
3. Foraminifera (“forams”)
4. Greenland ice cores
5. Thinning of ice and speed of glaciers in Greenland’s
6. Siberian Rivers
7. Harder winters in northwestern Europe
8. Drought in tropics
Resources you might find useful:
· Your text
· The Big Chill web site at
· The Big Chill transcript at
· NASA article, “A Chilling Possibility” (Mar. 2004) at
· Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute article, “Abrupt Climate Change: Should We Be Worried?”, at
*** acceptable electronic formats: Adobe Acrobat (PDF), Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx), Works Word Processor (.wps), Writer (.odt) or Word Perfect document (.wpd) only.